The current challenges we’re navigating – individually, in our families, and as a community – have often felt even harder because we can’t come together in person to support each other the way we normally would in difficult times. Yet we’re inspired by the ways our community has gotten creative and stayed connected and by the enthusiasm of individuals who’ve stepped up to lead those initiatives.
As we consider what the future holds, and as the city starts to go through phases of reopening, the Boards of Kehilat Hadar and Shaare Zedek have defined a set of principles that will guide how we plan to approach restarting in-person services. We are not at the point of presenting specific tactics or plans, as we know much additional work will need to follow in order to make plans and put them into action. Together the Boards of KH and SZ will rely on these guiding principles when considering how and when we choose to resume in-person programming and services.